I am a month late on this newsletter. The truth is there just hasn't been much going on. With the pandemic in full swing all my events for the year have been canceled. I do have something big in the works that I wanted to make you aware of. As of today, June 3rd Petrified is no longer for sale.
When I wanted to start writing, I spent three years learning everything I could before beginning Petrified. Two years later Petrified was completed. That gave me a product. Until recently, I haven't done much research into the business side of things. I modeled my marketing off of what other authors have done. I never really came up with a business plan. Needless to say it hasn't been working. I started researching business like I researched writing and I have learned that what I have been doing isn't going to work for me. Whats worse is that the mistakes I've made up to this point don't have an easy fix.
The analogy in my Facebook/Instagram post about this is that of a flat tire. When you get a flat you have to stop driving to fix it. If you don't you will cause more damage. I took Petrified off the market, not because I have a problem with the story, but because I need to make some changes to my business model. Without changes there's no way to be successful. I have no choice but to pull over and repair the tire.
What this means is Petrified is getting an overhaul. The story itself isn't being touched so if you've read it you don't have to worry about it changing. Everything else about it is up for review and most of it will be changed. When the overhaul is complete it will be re-released as second edition.
Beyond the rework of Petrified, my website is getting a complete overhaul. I'm developing a marketing plan and business strategy specific to my work. I am confident when its all said and done I will get back on the road to success and make great time.
Outside of this project, I am still working on Betrayal. I am over a quarter of the way through the final draft. Its release will be set back slightly but it will have it out ASAP.
Thank you for your patience and support as I work though this. When you get to read Betrayal I promise it will be worth the wait.