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Newsletter - September 2019

SPFBO review

A lot has happened since my last newsletter. One of the most notable was Petrified was reviewed for the Self Published Fantasy Blog Off (SPFBO). Here is the review:

Fantasy Book Critic, David Stewart

I entered this competition just before the rerelease was completed so it doesn’t have the updated cover, not that it changed that much. There’s a couple things I wanted to point out about this review. First, Dave clearly didn’t like the otter premise, and that’s fine, but I do take issue with his assertion that his opinion is “Hard Truth”. While he may not like my cover, I have gotten a lot of complements on it. A truth has to be applicable in all situations in all places, his opinion doesn’t meet that criteria. It is also clear that he doesn’t actually know anything about otters if he thinks they can only be used for comic relief. Other than the otter issues he didn’t have anything negative to say which I count as a win. What it comes down to is this just wasn’t the book for him, although I would prefer he spent at least enough time with it to get my name right in the review.

Progress with Petrified

It’s looking like my effort in marketing Petrified is starting to pay off. I’ve started going to the Marietta Artisan Market with Shana Bosarge. I also was a vendor at the first Alphacon which was a lot of fun. It was good to meet and talk to people about my book, which was well received. I’m getting my pitch down but still need to work on it a bit. I’m on the lookout for other events and cons to attend but the word is getting out and sales are picking up! It’s very exciting times!

Progress on Betrayal and What’s Next

I’m sad to say I hit a snag with Betrayal. Between Dragoncon and some home repairs I had to get done I haven’t gotten a lot of work done on it in the past few weeks. The good news is I am buckling down now and will be spending some major time on it moving forward. I am still aiming to have it done by the end of the year. I am about halfway through the second draft now and then its time for test readers. Stay tuned for more updates, I expect to push through the rest of it pretty quickly.

I have decided my next book is going to be something a little different. I have enough ideas for five or six books in the keeper Chronicles already, but a new idea is screaming at me to write it. I am still in the research and development stages, but the characters won’t lave me alone and scenes are already coming together. I don’t want to say too much about it yet as I am not exactly sure how it will all come together. All I will say for now is that it’s a fantasy western set around 1830.

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